Tack älskade Sven-Eric! Barnhjälp Soluppgångs grundare Sven-Eric Gustafsson fick den 29/1 2021 kl.17:50 flytta hem till Herren i följderna av covid -19. Han somnade in i stillhet tillsammans med familjen, i tacksamhet till Gud. Vi är många människor som blivit rikligen välsignade genom Sven-Erics tjänst och gärning, inte minst alla de barn i Uganda som fått förvandlade liv genom Barnhjälp Soluppgång. Våra böner går till familjen, i stor tacksamhet till Gud. Thank you, beloved Sven-Eric! The founder of Sunrise, Sven-Eric Gustafsson, passed on to his heavenly home on 29/1 2021 at 5.50 pm in the aftermath of covid-19. It was in peace, with gratefulness to God, in the prescense of his family. We are many people who have been richly blessed through Sven-Eric's life and service, not least all the children in Uganda who have had their lives transformed through Sunrise. Our condolences and prayers go out to the family, in great gratitude to God. |
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April 2024